Practical Research: Planning and Design (11th Edition)
Books Wholesale Quick Overview:
Engaging and cross-disciplinary, Practical Research: Planning and Design is a do-it-yourself, understand-it-yourself manual for planning and conducting research. Suitable for a wide variety of courses in basic research methodology, the text guides the reader, step-by-step, from the selection of a problem, through the process of conducting authentic research, to the preparation of a completed report, with practical suggestions throughout. The authors emphasize the idea that quality research demands planning and design, and they provide what is needed for readers to be able to execute their own research projects effectively and professionally.
Books Wholesale Main Features:
Paperback: 408 pages
Publisher: Pearson; 11 edition (January 3, 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 013374132X
ISBN-13: 978-0133741322
Product Dimensions: 8.4 x 0.5 x 10.8 inches
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