FE Mechanical Practice Problems (New Edition)
Books Wholesale Quick Overview:
FE Mechanical Practice Problems contains over 460 multiple-choice problems that will reinforce your knowledge of topics covered on the NCEES Mechanical FE exam. These problems are designed to be solved in three minutes or less to demonstrate the format and difficulty of the exam, and to help you focus on individual engineering concepts. Like the exam, problems are grouped by engineering topic.
Solutions are clear, complete, and easy to follow. Step-by-step calculations use equations and nomenclature from the NCEES FE Reference Handbook to help increase your familiarity with the reference you’ll have on exam day. Units are meticulously identified and rigorously carried through in all calculations.
FE Mechanical Practice Problems may be used by itself for independent problem-solving practice, or it may be used in conjunction with the FE Mechanical Review Manual. This book follows the FE Mechanical Review Manual in chapter sequence, nomenclature, terminology, and methodology, so you can easily find clear explanations of topics where you need more support. Both products are part of PPI’s integrated review program available at feprep.com.
Exam Topics Covered
Computational Tools
Dynamics, Kinematics, and Vibrations
Electricity and Magnetism
Engineering Economics
Ethics and Professional Practice
Fluid Mechanics
Heat Transfer
Material Properties and Processing
Measurement, Instrumentation, and Controls
Mechanical Design and Analysis
Mechanics of Materials
Probability and Statistics
About the Author
Michael R. Lindeburg, PE, is one of the best-known authors of engineering textbooks and references. His books and courses have influenced millions of engineers around the world. Since 1975, he has authored dozens of engineering reference and exam preparation books. He has spent thousands of hours teaching engineering to students and practicing engineers. He holds bachelor of science and master of science degrees in industrial engineering from Stanford University.
Books Wholesale Main Features:
Paperback: 232 pages
Publisher: Professional Publications, Inc.; New Edition edition (May 1, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1591264421
ISBN-13: 978-1591264422
Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 0.4 x 11 inches
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