Mr. Peabody & Sherman
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- Mr. Peabody & Sherman
DVD Wholesale Quick Overview:
Robert Minkoff directs this animated adventure feature in which an ingenious talking dog and his human sidekick attempt to avert disaster. Mr. Peabody (voice of Ty Burrell) has the achievements to support claims that he is the smartest being on Earth. An influential and highly successful scientist, inventor, businessman and all round polymath, he also happens to be a dog who, in a somewhat unusual turn of events, has adopted a human boy, Sherman (Max Charles), to look after. However, when the curious Sherman creates havoc with Mr. Peabody’s latest invention, the WABAC time-travelling machine, the boy and dog team must embark on an adventure through history to try and put things right, meeting figures including Leonardo Da Vinci (Stanley Tucci) and Sigmund Freud (Mel Brooks) along the way. Lake Bell, Leslie Mann and Allison Janney also lend their voices to the film.
mr. peabody e’ un cane geniale, inventore, scienziato e vincitore di un premio nobel, che un giorno decide di adottare un bambino di nome sherman, diventando cosi’ il primo cane ad aver adottato un essere umano. grazie alla sua piu’ geniale invenzione, una macchina del tempo chiamata “tornindietro”, i due viaggiano indietro nel tempo riuscendo cosi’ a vivere in prima persona alcuni dei piu’ importanti eventi storici e riuscendo cosi’ anche ad interagire con famosi personaggi storici. quando pero’ sherman fa usare il tornindietro alla sua compagna di classe penny trasgredendo alle basilari regole dei viaggi nel tempo, i due dovranno correre ai ripari per evitare gravi sconvolgimenti storici e salvare cosi’ il futuro.
DVD Wholesale Main Features:
Actors: Ty Burrell, Max Charles, Ariel Winter, Stephen Colbert, Leslie Mann
Directors: Rob Minkoff
Writers: Craig Wright
Producers: Alex Schwartz, Denise Nolan Cascino
Format: Multiple Formats, AC-3, Animated, Color, Dolby, Dubbed, Subtitled, Widescreen, NTSC
Language: English (Dolby Digital 5.1), French (Dolby Digital 2.0 Surround), Spanish (Dolby Digital 2.0 Surround)
Subtitles: French, Spanish
Dubbed: French, Spanish
Subtitles for the Hearing Impaired: English
Region: Region 1
Aspect Ratio: 1.85:1
Number of discs: 1
Rated: PG – Parental Guidance Suggested
Studio: Universal Studios Home Entertainment
DVD Release Date: October 14, 2014
Run Time: 93 minutes
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