Study Guide for Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) Electrical and Computer CBT Exam
Books Wholesale Quick Overview:
Practice makes perfect’ is as applicable to passing FE Exam as it is to anything else. This study guide is centered on the idea of ‘problem based learning’. It contains over 400 focused problems with detailed solutions based on the latest NCEES FE Computer Based Testing specification for Electrical and Computer exam and covers following sections: Properties of Electrical Materials – Engineering Sciences – Circuit Analysis – Linear Systems Signal Processing – Electronics – Power – Electromagnetics – Control Systems – Communications Computer Networks – Digital Systems – Computer Systems – Software Development The layout of this study guide is specially designed to assist students in developing familiarity with NCEES FE Reference Handbook which is the only allowed reference material during FE exam. Students will find relevant reference details and section specific tips at the beginning of each chapter. Target audience of this book includes final year college students, new graduates as well as seasoned professionals who have been out of school for some time. Please visit to learn about the recently launched On-demand preparation course for Electrical and Computer Engineering portions of the latest NCEES FE Computer-based Testing specification and it will allow you the flexibility to learn anytime, from anywhere at your own pace by learning from 80 lectures and quizzes.
Wasim Asghar is a Licensed Professional Engineer in Texas (PE), Florida (PE) and Ontario (P. Eng) with consulting experience in design, commissioning and plant engineering for leading clients in Energy, Mining and Infrastructure. He holds Bachelors of Engineering – Electrical with distinction from McMaster University (2010) and Master of Engineering – Power Systems from University of Toronto (2013) which was completed with full-time work. In 2014, he undertook a two year international assignment for a major project in Florida and also decided to pursue PE Licensure in United States. The road to licensure was challenging primarily because of a lack of useful study material for FE and PE exams. Wasim passed both exams in first attempts (FE in October 2014 and PE in April 2015). The lessons learned during exam preparation process inspired him to write this study guide which is designed to help aspiring professional engineers better prepare for the latest CBT format of FE Electrical and Computer Engineering Exam.
Books Wholesale Main Features:
Paperback: 260 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (November 13, 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1517777925
ISBN-13: 978-1517777920
Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 0.6 x 11 inches
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