Understanding Psychology (11th Edition)
Books Wholesale Quick Overview:
Understanding Psychology, now in its eleventh edition, continues to present a scientific, accurate, and thorough overview of the essential concepts of psychology. Throughout the text, authors Charles Morris and Albert Maisto write clearly and accessibly about the discipline and its concrete, real-life applications. By highlighting five enduring issues that cut across and unite all subfields of psychology – Person—Situation, Nature—Nurture, Stability—Change, Diversity—Universality, and Mind—Body – Understanding Psychology helps students see the surprising unity and coherence of this diverse and exciting science.
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About the Author
Charles G. Morris received his B.A. from Yale University (1962) and his M.A. (1964) and Ph.D. (1965) in psychology from the University of Illinois. He joined the University of Michigan in 1965 where he served until his retirement in 2002.
From 1972—1977 he served as Associate Dean in the College of Literature, Science and the Arts. From 1980—1990, he served as Associate Chair of the Department of Psychology. Upon his retirement in 2002, he was appointed Emeritus Professor.
He is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association and the American Psychological Society.
Morris has written more than two-dozen books, numerous articles, and more than thirty papers and presentations. His books include Psychology: An Introduction, Understanding Psychology, Basic Psychology, Psychology: Concepts and Applications, Psychology: The Core, and Contemporary Psychology and Effective Behavior.
His early research centered on leadership, group interaction, and group problem solving. More recently, his publications and presentations have focused on various aspects of undergraduate education, on contemporary views of leadership, and on the “Big 5” personality traits.
Albert A. Maisto, the Carnegie Foundation’s U.S. Professor of the Year for 1997—1998, is the Bonnie E. Cone Distinguished Professor for Teaching at The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, where he also serves as Associate Dean of the Honors College. Maisto earned both his Ph.D. and M.A. in Psychology from The University of Alabama.
His books include Psychology: An Introduction, Understanding Psychology, Basic Psychology, Psychology: Concepts and Applications, and Psychology: The Core.
Earlier in his career, he served as a visiting Professor to The University of Nottingham in England, and he spent two years on the faculty of The University of Connecticut. Throughout his career, Dr. Maisto has distinguished himself as an exemplary instructor of general psychology winning the prestigious Bank of America Award for Teaching Excellence.
Books Wholesale Main Features:
Paperback: 624 pages
Publisher: Pearson; 11 edition (January 17, 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0133908925
ISBN-13: 978-0133908923
Product Dimensions: 8.4 x 1 x 10.7 inches
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